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Every year, Ryan Bingham travels to the moon and halfway back: in frequent-flyer miles, that is.

Jason Reitman, director of indie fave Juno, is back with a bang. Up in the Air stars George Clooney as a anti-social jetsetter who works for a company whose sole purpose is to fire employees around the U.S. Set in the present-day, they are one of the only companies that stands to profit from the economic downturn.

Kendrick and Clooney- the firing squad

Spending almost all his time on the road, Ryan Bingham (Clooney) has no personal relationships, no family (besides his sisters he never visits) and no problem admitting that he loves living out of a suitcase. However, when a young college graduate aptly named Natalie Keener (Anna Kendrick) arrives and informs them that video conferencing their terminations could save them millions, Ryan feels his lifestyle is in jeopardy. He decides that Natalie needs to see what it’s really like to fire people face-to-face, and convince her that her method is tragically flawed.

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