Kate B 1-2-3

Archive for the ‘bad days’ Category

No, it was not  a miracle… but it was a crazy person in a red sweater.

Check out the potential deadly situation the Pope found himself in today. Because the octogenarian Head of the Catholic Church was seemingly uninjured, however, I instantly rewound it several times and let the hilarity ensue.




I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas!

When you’re in University, you dream of the day when you can strap on your heels, throw on your power suit, and strut around with the new glow of a degree and an endless slew of job offers. This is, of course, a fantasy.

When I was in school for the last three years, I was aware that it wouldn’t be easy to get a job after University. This was compounded by the fact that I have a degree in Film Studies, a niche market at best, and that I don’t LIVE in the city I want most to work in. However, the difficulty I’m running into is beginning to get to me.

I estimate that I have applied for hundreds of jobs. Actually. That is not hyberbole, that is an educated estimate based on the stats. I check 6-10 job boards daily. I skim through places like craigslist looking for legitimate opportunities for companies that are neat-o.

Part of the problem? I’m looking for a career, not a job. I can find a job in about 30-seconds. I have a great resume, I have great references, I have amazing experience… and let’s not forget the all important Degree.

Every time I click send, especially for a job that gives me butterflies in my stomach, I silently say a little prayer. When nothing comes back, it’s getting easier and easier for me to run through the nightmare scenario in my head…

What if I never get hired? What if the past 6 months of searching turns into a year? What if I end up being a failure, and the $40,000 I spent on my fancy degree was a complete and total waste of time?

This is something I try to pretend not to worry about; trying to let that positive thinking secret crap work its magic… but does anyone else start to worry that they’ve already peaked?

Tell me your stories, people! If I’m  not alone… maybe it’ll be easier? 🙂

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