Kate B 1-2-3

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! (For me at least). Every year my favourite day in Februrary is NOT Valentines day (ew, ew, ew) but the Oscars. The Oscars are my Superbowl, and I never miss them.

This years hosts were announced, and its a double-feature. Alec Baldwin and Steve Martin, stars of the new sub-par romcom along-side my demi-goddess, Meryl Streep. Steve Martin has already hosted the awards twice, but this is Baldwin’s first go at it.

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Sometimes you gotta say: I’m a nerd. Embrace it. Love it. Own it.

Hey, being a nerd is kinda chic nowadays. In fact, I think that I may have pinpointed what I dislike about this movie. Michael Cera IS cool, so why should he have to change into some non-hip assinine version of himself to be liked?

I guess because otherwise, he’s out of character options.

Michael Cera as Francois Dillinger

Youth in Revolt is not a bad movie. In fact, it’s probably a better movie than half the crap we’re going to be forced to sit through this Valentine’s Day. But something about it didn’t sit right with me, and it might just have been it’s slightly inaccessible humour and the fact that Michael Cera was bearing far too much of the comedic brunt.

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I just… wow.

I think this speaks for itself….

Don’t you hate it when people say “What? You haven’t seen (insert famous movie here)???”

Well, some of them aren’t that great, and are skippable (as long as you’re not in film school), but some are really can’t miss classics, or just amazing films. Here’s a shortlist for you to work on this new year. In chronological order, but with little rhyme or reason- I just love them. If you guys like this top 10, maybe I’ll make a habit of it with different themes.
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I might have ADD, but I’m trying out this new layout. Let me know what you guys think!

It exists, folks, and I have been lucky enough to experience it twice.

Both times were during James Cameron’s Avatar.

Jake Sully (Worthington) and Neytiri (Saldana)

I know, I know. Everyone’s saying to you: “Go see Avatar! It blew my mind! It was the most amazing thing I’ve ever seen!”… that doesn’t set the bar too high, now, does it?

I believe that it is one of the best films I have ever seen, if not solely for the special effects, also for its imaginative story (think of it as a futuristic Pocahontas, but waaaaaaaaay better).

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Victoria (Blunt), the 17-year-old Queen

Period pieces can be snore-fests. Throw in a monarch known for her doily hats and constant black attire, and you’ve got the recipe for a cinematic sleeping pill, right?


The Young Victoria follows the 17-year-old Queen’s struggles and triumphs as the longest ruling British monarch of all time. Directed by Canadian Jean Marc Vallee (director of a personal favourite of mine, C.R.A.Z.Y.), the film is light, funny, and opulent. The fashions are dazzling, the love is polite and warm, and the acting is spectacular.

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Every year, Ryan Bingham travels to the moon and halfway back: in frequent-flyer miles, that is.

Jason Reitman, director of indie fave Juno, is back with a bang. Up in the Air stars George Clooney as a anti-social jetsetter who works for a company whose sole purpose is to fire employees around the U.S. Set in the present-day, they are one of the only companies that stands to profit from the economic downturn.

Kendrick and Clooney- the firing squad

Spending almost all his time on the road, Ryan Bingham (Clooney) has no personal relationships, no family (besides his sisters he never visits) and no problem admitting that he loves living out of a suitcase. However, when a young college graduate aptly named Natalie Keener (Anna Kendrick) arrives and informs them that video conferencing their terminations could save them millions, Ryan feels his lifestyle is in jeopardy. He decides that Natalie needs to see what it’s really like to fire people face-to-face, and convince her that her method is tragically flawed.

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Murphy and husband Monjack

After the suspicious death of actress Brittany Murphy, rumours are circulating around her husband Simon Monjack, British film director. Accusations of heavy debt, shady business dealings and expired work visas are starting to throw the actresses unknown husband into suspicion.

Monjack claims there is no possibility his wife overdosed, calling reports to the contrary “rubbish”.

Murphy was found dead in her bathroom by her mother Dec. 20 and police found a wide array of prescription drugs in her home, including a substantial amount of pain killers, anti-anxiety and depression medications. She was known to have suffered from anorexia and diabetes.

Although the information remains suspicious, the upcoming toxicology results will hopefully shed some light on the reasons for this tragedy.

No, it was not  a miracle… but it was a crazy person in a red sweater.

Check out the potential deadly situation the Pope found himself in today. Because the octogenarian Head of the Catholic Church was seemingly uninjured, however, I instantly rewound it several times and let the hilarity ensue.




I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas!

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